About Łódź

XXIX Congress of the Polish Physiological Society and the Federation of European Physiological Societies

Łódź (Lodz) is a modern city with unique postindustrial architecture and a downtown area that has recently undergone extensive revitalization. Lodz is an academic city containing three state-owned universities and six higher-education schools; possibly the most famous is the National Film School, which can count famous film directors such as Andrzej Wajda and Roman Polański among its alumni. Lodz has historically been a diverse  meeting point or different cultures, and in XIX century, it population was composed of a mix of German, Polish, Jewish and Russian people and influences.

The city has several recognizable landmarks which are also tourist attractions, such as Piotrkowska street, and the Manufaktura complex, previously a textile factory during the industrial revolution, together with Poznański’s palace, one of the most eclectic examples of architecture of that time. The Museum of Modern Art is one of the best in Poland, with paintings by Stanisław Wyspiański, Henryk Rodakowski and Leon Wyczółkowski.

Lodz also has many green spaces which are regularly used for recreation. Also, Lodz zoo houses the Orientarium, one of the most modern facilities in Europe, including an area with South-East Asian climate and an underwater tunnel with rare animals such as rays and sharks.

Fot. lodz.pl