
XXIX Congress of the Polish Physiological Society and the Federation of European Physiological Societies

Department of Pathophysiology
Institute of General and Experimental Pathology
Medical University of Lodz

Zeligowskiego 7/9, 90-752 Lodz, Poland
phone:  +48 42 272 52 86, +48 42 272 52 77

Arrival maps to Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz (CKD)

Route from Łodź Kaliska railway station to CKD

Route from Łódź Fabryczna railway station to CKD

Route from Łódź Widzew railway station to CKD

Amber Highway (Autostrada Bursztynowa, A1) – CKD

Highway from Cracow to Lodz 

Highway from Cracow to CKD